Bishops elected, consecrated,and retiring
Jesus teaches from a boat? That must have been awkward. And Peter’s response to the fish seems a little over the top. I fish occasionally and if someone gave me a tip that resulted in a good catch, I don’t think I’d make the imaginative leap to believing they were of divine provenance.
In a recent convention, the diocese of Haiti, takes steps to move forward as Bishop Duracin prepares for retirement and after an episcopal election last year failed to receive needed consents from the wider church
Eighteenth century remains from a dissenters graveyard unearthed during construction in the English city of Wolverhampton were recently re-interred in a moving service at St John’s Church adapted from the 1662 BCP
Conservative parish in Aberdeen votes to leave the SEC
Collects, the brief prayers usually heard at the beginning of a service are short statements packed with a lot of meaning and purpose for God’s people.
at long last, Bishop Bauerschmidt has publicized his intention to implement B012 in Tennessee and details for how that would work.
Bishop vows to appeal, hanging his defense on the definition of marriage in the BCP and the notion that dioceses are entities independent of General Convention.
Noted Australian cleric, Dr John Shepherd named to take over after Director Archbishop Bernard Ntahoturi stepped down last month following allegations of sexual misconduct
A conversation about pop culture creeds