Conservative Christians, equality, inclusion and the path from here
Religion Dispatches looks at the conservative Christian response to marriage equality and sees two possible paths being followed, but it isn’t clear where either might lead
Religion Dispatches looks at the conservative Christian response to marriage equality and sees two possible paths being followed, but it isn’t clear where either might lead
This week’s review is ‘Spotlight,’ a film that chronicles the Boston Globe’s work that lifted the lid on child abuse and cover-ups in the Roman church.
Bexley-Seabury board announces plans to consolidate operations in Chicago and to offer expansive scholarship program for students from historically under-represented communities
In the Magazine, we’ve been exploring the role of money in the life of the church. In this piece, Charles LaFond reflects on the connection between beholding God in contemplation and generosity.
Pooping Collars podcast returns for season 2, with Greg and Company exploring the Walking Dead
This week’s review is the Robert Redford film, ‘Truth,’ which examines the role of integrity and “truth” in modern journalism
Daniel McNeel ‘Neel’ Lane, Jr., has been appointed the new chair of Episcopal Relief & Development’s Board of Directors, effective November 1.
As part of its recent Diocesan convention, the Diocese of West Virginia invited all the congregations of the diocese to bring canned food to distribute to food-banks in the vicinity of the convention site at Pipestem Resort State Park. As an incentive, it was decided that a prize would be rewarded to the congregation that brought the most cans-per-member
A Vermont news site, looking at stained glass windows in a former girls’ school owned by the Episcopal Dioceses of Vermont, wonders if they weren’t meant to foster an early kind of feminist empowerment.
According to Stanford University news, noted french philosopher René Girard has died, aged 91 years. René Girard was one of the leading thinkers of our