Bishops discuss Covenant: live tweeting

UPDATED: last tweets of morning presentations:

Morning presentations are over. The three visiting Archbishops were all negative in their assessment of the Covenant, in varying degree.

22 minutes ago

Archbishop of Korea: The Covenant is “colonialist” document. It does not free the Asia church but keeps it controlled by English church.

25 minutes ago

Archbishop of Korea quoting from formal response from Korean bishops: do not see necessity for a codified Convenant.

29 minutes ago

Archbishop of Korea is now speaking (In Korean) with my old colleague Aidan Koh translating.

33 minutes ago

Archbp. of Canada is “uneasy” about possible two -tiered system proposed in Covenant.

35 minutes ago

Archbishop of Canada does not see any mention of reconciliation and mediation for those who might be disciplined by sec. IV of the Covenant.

38 minutes ago

The Rt Rev. Kirk Smith is live tweeting the House of Bishop’s discussion of the proposed Anglican Covenant:

Archbishop of Canada now speaking.

2 minutes ago

Archbishop of Congo is hopeful about the future.

46 seconds ago

Archbishop of Congo now speaking in French: Does not feel that there has been adequate discussion of the Covenant among the Primates.

6 minutes ago

Bp. Alexander: Can catholicity be expressed other than locally?

12 minutes ago

Bishop Neil Alexander of Atlanta presents opening paper. Argues that changes in polity will result in changes of ecclesiology.

21 minutes ago

We are joined by the Archbishops of Canada, Korea, and the Congo

49 minutes ago

Today’s theme for the House of Bishops meeting: The Anglican Covenant.

UPDATE #2: Report on the day from ENS

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