Burned out Serbian cathedral worshiping at GTS chapel

According to the website of St Sava’s Serbian Orthodox cathedral, the congregation has been worshiping at the GTS chapel since May 22 and will remain there until their West 25th Street site is safe enough to return.  The cathedral, formerly an Episcopal Church that was bought by the Serbian Orthodox church in 1943, was decimated in a horrendous fire on May 1st.

According to an article at the Living Church; “Episcopal institutions in New York City are eager to help during the transition.

“It is our promise to St. Sava’s that we will do everything that we possibly can as a diocese,” wrote the Rt. Rev. Andrew M.L. Dietsche, Bishop of New York, in an open letter dated May 9. He said he expects St. Sava’s will need a multi-year commitment, and several Episcopal institutions have offered to be involved.”

Renovations done in 2013 to the GTS Chapel of the Good Shepherd created a more open space that has turned out to provide the kind of open space which the orthodox priests and congregants are more used to.

“By worshiping at GTS, St. Sava’s is taking advantage of an underused facility. While the Chapel of the Good Shepherd is busy on weekdays during the academic year, it’s normally empty on Sundays as GTS students fan out across the city to worship in parishes. Now with St. Sava’s presence, God’s praises are sung in the chapel on Sundays, too. GTS community members who happen to be on campus have a standing opportunity to experience Orthodox worship on their home turf.

“I hope we can accommodate them for as many years as they need,” Dean Dunkle said.”



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