Café newsblogger’s parish needs your vote

St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Sioux City, Iowa, whose rector is the Cafe’s own Father Torey Lightcap, needs your help. St. Thomas’ community garden is one of 15 such gardens vying in online voting for a $4,000 grant from DeLoach Vineyards.

The Sioux City Journal quotes parishioner Rebecca Conway inits story:

St. Thomas Episcopal Church’s Community Garden is currently in its third year of operation, reported volunteer Conway.

“We started the garden to enhance our food pantry,” she said of its initial home in a vacant lot in the 1500 block of Douglas Street.

From 10 a.m. to noon, every Monday and Wednesday, families line up at the doors of the St. Thomas Episcopal Church parish center, 406 12th St. to fulfill a basic need — food.

The church started a food pantry more than 10 years ago in response to knocks on the parish center door. That first year, the Food Pantry served 400 individuals. Today, it serves almost 700 each month with more than 22,000 pounds of food.

To suport St. Thomas’s:

1. Go to

2. Click on the lady in the red sweatshirt – second row, first on the left

3. Click on “vote for this garden” (watch the video if you want)

4. Enter your name and email address and click “submit your vote”

5. Do this once a day between now and August 6th

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