Category: The Lead

@TexasBishop responds to transphobic Texas governor

There is no requirement for anyone to report the existence of trans kids or their parents in one of our Episcopal Churches or schools. The gov’s statement has no force of law. ALL people are welcome in churches of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas without fear – we offer only love. – Bishop C. Andrew Doyle, Bishop of the Diocese of Texas

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Diocese of Maryland reparations task force grant process

The task force anticipates awarding two or three grants during this funding cycle in the range of $25k – $50K. Awards will be based on a competitive points system. On September 12, 2020, the 236th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland passed Resolution 2020-06, committing to creating a $1,000,000 seed fund for reparations.

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Oregon church gets the attention of the national press

St. Timothy’s — which started serving meals six days a week during the pandemic — has refused to apply for the permit [to serve no more than two meals a week], claiming the restrictions “target and interfere with the congregation’s free expression of their Christian faith which calls them to serve others in need.” – Washington Post

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