Category: The Lead

A Chaplain’s Perspective Essay VII: Fighting Fatigue

A reality for all persons in the healthcare world in these days is the necessity to reach down deep and simply do what is needed during this pandemic. In my own little corner of the world it has meant chaplains working additional hours and various shifts as budget cuts have been made, requiring staffing changes.  These staffing cuts have occurred throughout the hospital (and I am sure are occurring in many healthcare systems) because of the very difficult financial realities healthcare facilities are experiencing throughout the country due to the pandemic.                

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Cathedral goes all online as Omicron spikes in DC

These numbers cause me to reflect on the moral responsibility of this Cathedral during this difficult time…. To protect the health of everyone in our community, we will shift all Cathedral services online through the holiday season, and the building will be closed to visitors and worshippers for all activities. – Dean Hollerith, Washington National Cathedral

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A Chaplain’s Perspective Essay IV: The Journey Continues

The most difficult visits for me occur in Labor and Delivery and the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of the hospital. These visits drain me emotionally and I am continually amazed by the heroic teams of professionals called to work in these units day after day. Labor and Delivery and the Neonatal units are for the most part the happiest areas of the hospital full of new lives, but at other times, they are the saddest units in the hospital. The sadness and intense grief seem to fill the hallways and enter the hearts of all associated with the death of a baby.

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Tensions arise between cathedral and bishop over an ordinand’s “theological views”

“As part of the agreement between the Advent and the diocese, the Advent has a seat on the Commission on Ministry but has not yet offered anyone to fill that place….  This was not the first time that someone with a theological expression different from the Advent has been ordained in our diocese and at the Advent.” – Bishop Glenda Curry, Diocese of Alabama.

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