Censorship in the name of religion

Ekklesia reports that the World Association of Newspapers and the World Editors Forum have condemned what they say are the Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council’s repeated efforts to undermine freedom of expression in the name of protecting religious sensibilities.

“WAN reminds the UN that the council’s proper role is to defend freedom of expression and not to support the censorship of opinion at the request of autocracies,” the WAN Board said in a resolution issued during the World Newspaper Congress and World Editors Forum. The 1 to 4 June meetings of the world’s newspapers and editors were held in Gothenburg.

In its resolution condemning actions by the UN Human Rights Council, WAN cited the council’s approval of an amendment proposed by the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, requiring the council’s investigator to “report on instances where the abuse of the right to freedom of expression constitutes an act of racial or religious discrimination”.

WAN said the amendment “goes against the spirit” of the work of the UN Special Rapporteur. It said that amendment will require the rapporteur to investigate abusive expression “rather than focusing on the endemic problem of abusive limits on expression imposed by governments, including many of those on the council”.

Read more at Ekklesia and Ecumenical News International (ENI).

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