In a letter-to-the-editor to, the Very Rev. Dr. Frieda L. Malcolm, Rector at St. Alban’s Episcopal Church in Salisbury, MD, puts the Incarnation into contemporary terms in hopes that people might respond to Jesus’ subversive message.
“In contemporary American culture, Christmas is primarily celebrated by granting wishes for material things, by hosting and attending many parties, and by spending time with family and friends.
It is good and fun to do these things. However, little to none of our celebrations remind us of the nature of the first Christmas gift: a vulnerable infant, born under Roman occupation and a corrupt and cruel governor, who grew up to reach out to and include the poor, sick and outcasts of society; to criticize both political and religious power structures and people; and to reject the use of military force as a means of salvation.
This God-with-us, Jesus, was a “loser” in today’s world. Those of us who profess to follow Jesus are called to also be “losers,” giving up our lives to help others.”
There were no comments to Malcolm’s letter on the news site or on Facebook this morning (Saturday), which might mean that everyone agrees with Jesus’ world-upending message. The other, much sadder option, would be that few care enough to respond.