Creation care grant application deadline nears

Are you interested in creation care?  Have a good idea to address climate change?  There may be an opportunity to get funding for your initiative from the Episcopal Church.   The last General Convention (2015) approved a resolution to create a task force on climate change and that resulted in the formation of the Advisory Council for the Stewardship of Creation.  The council has plans to award a number of grants of up to $10,000 to support local faith-based projects for mitigating climate change and safeguarding the integrity of Creation.

But there’s only a month left to get your application in.  Applications can be submitted online through Decemebr 31st.  The Council will then make its recommendations for approval by the Executive Committee of the church at its February meeting.

“The purpose of the funds is to support Episcopalians in reconciling with all God’s creation as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ,” added co-chair Bishop Marc Andrus.

To find more information and to learn who the members of the Advisory Committee are, go here.



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