CT diocese implores bishop to allow same sex marriages

The clergy and lay delegates of the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut voted Saturday to ask the bishop to allow same-sex weddings, as the state Supreme Court’s decision to legalize gay marriage in the state becomes official today.

The resolution at the annual diocesan convention passed 174-132, but is not binding on Bishop Andrew D. Smith, who said he is studying the issue.

According to the resolution, the convention “implores the bishop to allow priests in this diocese to exercise pastoral wisdom and care and follow the lead of their consciences in whether or not to participate in marriage ceremonies of same-sex couples.”


Smith said Monday he will take the delegates’ vote under


“The vote at convention is an indication by the delegates at

convention of their thoughts and preferences for the diocese,” Smith

said. “It was a clear majority, but not a landslide in favor of

allowing clergy to exercise their consciences.”

Smith has allowed Episcopal priests in Connecticut to perform a

blessing for couples in civil unions, and told convention delegates

he will allow the same for married same-sex couples.

He has not permitted clergy to perform marriages for gay couples

because the Book of Common Prayer, which is considered part of the

Episcopal Church’s constitution, defines marriage as between a man

and a woman.

Resolution is here.

Read more here.

Following up on Lead story about the status of the blessing of same sex couples in the Anglican Church of Canada, the Anglican Journal reports Montreal bishop, the Rt. Rev. Barry Clarke plans to launch a process for the development of rites of blessing.

After this week’s discussions with bishops of the Anglican church from across Canada, Bishop Barry Clarke of Montreal plans to launch a process to work out a rite for blessing same-sex couples in the diocese who have been married in civil ceremonies.

In an opening statement Oct. 24 to the annual synod of the diocese of Montreal, the bishop said he believes that in the current debate about same-sex issues some are being called to speak with a prophetic voice, others with a voice of caution.

“For reasons, perhaps known only to God, I believe we, in the diocese of Montreal, are among those who have been called by God to speak with a prophetic voice,” he said. “It is our voice that is called to affirm that all people are loved, valued and precious before God and the Church. It is our voice that is called to affirm that all unions of faithful love and life-long commitment are worthy of God’s blessing and a means of God’s grace. In time our voice will either be affirmed by the body, or stand corrected.”

Read more here.

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