Archbishop of York John Sentamu baptized twenty people by full immersion outside of a church in the city of York on Easter Sunday. This is the third year in a row that Sentamu has baptized anyone who wanted it taking “as long as it takes” as part of the Easter festivities of a coalition of churches from different denominations in the city.
The BBC reports:
The Archbishop of York has totally immersed 20 people in a tank of water as part of an Easter baptism ceremony.
Archbishop John Sentamu baptised the new worshippers using a large pool outside the Church of St Michael-le-Belfrey in York.
Hundreds of people watched as Dr Sentamu stood in the water to immerse each of the adults involved.
The outdoor baptism ceremony first took place in 2006 and involves a network of churches across the city.
Church officials said the total immersion during the service represents a person’s death of their old life.
By emerging from the water, the service is meant to be symbolic of being reunited with Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday, the day his resurrection is celebrated.
The (York) Press wrote in advance of the event:
The baptisms, organised by One Voice York – an inter-denominational network of Christian churches in the city – first took place in 2006 and last year’s event, which was shown on news bulletins around the world, attracted more than 1,000 people to either be baptised or watch the ceremony.
A spokesman for the Archbishop said: “It is all about attempting to revive the tradition of full-immersion and baptism.
“Anybody who wishes to be baptised by the archbishop should contact their local Anglican church or One Voice York.
“He will baptise as many people as want to be baptised and will be there for as long as it takes.”
Graham Hutchinson, joint chairman of One Voice York, which organized the event, told the BBC: “New life in Jesus Christ is open to everyone, always, but Easter is a great time for people to make that public commitment.
“The open-air baptisms in the centre of York are a sign that Jesus is alive and with us.”
Read: BBC: Archbishop lead outdoor baptisms.
Read: The Press: Archbishop to perform full-body immersions.
Learn about One Voice York here.