From Episcopal Relief & Development:
Episcopal Relief & Development welcomes five new members to its Board of Directors, effective January 1, 2016…
“I welcome our five new board members with much gratitude and anticipation of the meaningful work we will do together,” said Neel Lane, Chair of Episcopal Relief & Development’s Board of Directors. “Each of our new members brings unique gifts and talents to the table, as we seek constantly to elevate the organization’s work and strengthen Episcopalians’ connection to this Church-wide ministry of global outreach.”
Ms. Rosalie Ballentine is an attorney in private practice in the US Virgin Islands, formerly serving as Solicitor General and as Attorney General of the Virgin Islands. Ms. Ballentine has extensive experience in church governance, both in The Episcopal Church and in the Anglican Communion. In 2013, she succeeded fellow Episcopal Relief & Development board member Josephine Hicks as lay representative of The Episcopal Church to the Anglican Consultative Council.
Ms. Sophie Hollingsworth is a Program Officer for the International Conservation Caucus Foundation. Currently working in international development on agriculture and environmental conservation, she has a background in International Relations with on-the-ground experience in Tanzania and Rwanda. She is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Roy A. Hunt Foundation, serving on the International Development Committee.
The Rev. David C. Killeen is Rector of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Tallahassee, Florida, where he and the congregation created Visioning the Vineyard, a prayerful, grassroots, five-year plan for the future of St. John’s, resulting in congregational growth and vitality. In addition to strategic planning, Mr. Killeen also has deep experience in parish ministry and faith formation, helping children, youth and families learn how to live their faith through local and global outreach.
Mr. John A. ‘Jock’ MacKinnon is a partner in the law firm of Sidley Austin LLP in New York. From 2002-2014, he served as a member of their Executive Committee and as co-chair of the global investment management practice. His expertise in financial auditing has made him a valuable member of Episcopal Relief & Development’s Audit Committee in his six years as an adviser. He has also traveled with the organization to visit programs in El Salvador and Ghana.
Ms. Laura Ellen Muglia has focused the past decade of her life on furthering initiatives to end global poverty through investing in health and economic development. She was Co-Chair of the NetsforLife® Inspiration Fund, a Church-wide campaign to raise $5 million for Episcopal Relief & Development’s malaria prevention programs, and led the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia in raising $350,000 for the effort. As a consultant, she contributed to the formation of the Anglican Alliance, of which Episcopal Relief & Development is part.
“I am grateful for the addition of these five new members as we embark on the visioning process for our next strategic plan,” said Rob Radtke, the organization’s President. “Their insight and expertise will provide critical guidance for Episcopal Relief & Development’s continual improvement as an agency and as a faithful ministry of The Episcopal Church.”
The press release explains that board members are nominated by the Presiding Bishop and the ERD Chair, elected by the Board, and ratified by the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church. Former Board Chair, the Most Revd Michael Curry, transitioned to a position of Honorary Chair upon his installation as Presiding Bishop and Primate; he is succeeded as Board Chair by Neel Lane.
Pictured left to right: Sophie Hollingsworth, Rosalie Simmonds Ballentine, Laura Ellen Muglia, John A. “Jock” MacKinnon, David C. Killeen