Episcopal Cafe 2012: Numbers

More than 1.34 million visits from what Google Analytics calls 313,698 “unique visitors” who looked at 2.56 million pages.

Slightly more than 26 percent of our visitors were new to the site in 2012. Twenty three percent of our visitors have visited the site more than 200 times. Slightly more than 49 percent have visited at least 50 times.

Facebook (223,653) Google (213,071), Feedburner (135,789) and mobile Facebook (56,470) were by far our best sources of referrals. The top referring blogs were Thinking Anglicans (17,377), Kendall Harmon (13,849), Mark Harris (13,332) and Text Week (6,991)

At 9:30 a. m. today we had 7,035 “likes” on Facebook and 6,112 followers on Twitter.

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