Episcopal Relief and Development has issued its annual summary.
Robert W. Radke, ERD’s president writes:
Together with Anglican and ecumenical partners, ERD is working worldwide in places such as Burundi and the Philippines to fight hunger and poverty while empowering communities to support themselves and their families. Through primary health initiatives such as NetsforLifeSM, a partnership for malaria prevention in 16 sub-Saharan African countries, ERD helps to protect vulnerable communities against preventable diseases and keep families healthy through community health education and awareness programs. In the United States, after Hurricane Katrina, our long-term partnerships with the Dioceses of Louisiana and Mississippi have assisted nearly 172,000 people through the distribution of goods, access to psycho-social and pastoral counseling, and the construction of affordable housing.
ERD is laudably transparent. Few organizations put their federal tax returns online, but you can find ERD’s here.
To read Radke’s letter to supporters click Read more.
Thank you for supporting Episcopal Relief and Development.
The book of Ecclesiastes speaks of the power of partnership: “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Together, your support, our expertise, and the front-line work of our Anglican and
ecumenical partners creates a far stronger and longer-lasting impact for vulnerable people worldwide.
In 2006, we changed the lives of over one million individuals and transformed communities in 32 countries around the world. ERD focused on fulfi lling our mandate through programs in three main areas: primary health, food security, and emergency relief and recovery. In our efforts to fight preventable diseases, eradicate poverty and restore communities devastated by disasters, we use the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) as a benchmark to measure our progress. Each of our international programs is structured to make the MDGs a reality for people in the developing world.
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) aim to cut global poverty and hunger in half by
2015 and make signifi cant improvements in the lives of the poorest people in the world.
Here are just three accomplishments that illustrate the very real impact we had in 2006 working with Anglican and ecumenical partners:
Together, we fought a silent killer of thousands of children every day. In places like the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia, we established comprehensive malaria prevention and control programs. We saved lives by providing long-lasting insecticide-treated nets, along with critical training and prevention workshops for communities.
Together, we created opportunities for people to increase income and feed their families. In struggling communities from the Philippines to Peru, we provided equipment, training and micro-loans that helped thousands of families increase their crop production, improve their diet and start small businesses.
Together, we responded to 48 disasters and complex emergencies around the world. We brought both immediate relief and began the process of long–term rebuilding. In communities devastated by two of the most profound natural disasters in recent history, the Indian Ocean tsunami and Hurricane Katrina, we continued to help people recover by providing housing, health care and counseling, along with opportunities to rebuild their businesses, schools, churches and community centers.
As you review this year’s Annual Summary, celebrate all that you have made possible. So many of those touched by your generosity have asked us to convey their deep gratitude to you.
We too are immensely grateful for your prayers and gifts. Through your faithful partnership, ERD is empowering individuals and transforming communities—and making a tangible difference in our world.
Yours Faithfully,
Robert W. Radtke, President; The Rt. Rev. Harry B. Bainbridge III, Chair of the Board