Flooding in Southern Africa

The flooding in Southern Africa has elicited the prayers and the support of people across the region as they attempt to help the victims. The Archbishop of Cape Town has written to the bishops of the hardest hit regions and called upon the governments in the area to respond by declaring the region as a disaster area.

The Archbishop’s statement follows:

Statement from the Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town, Thabo Makgoba, on the storms and flooding in KwaZulu Natal and Mozambique

Thursday 8 January 2009

Archbishop Thabo Makgoba has sent messages of support to areas of KwaZulu Natal and Mozambique where storms and flooding have caused death and destruction. The Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town, whose area of responsibility includes several of South Africa’s neighbouring countries, assures the Bishops and people of the Church’s prayerful support, while calling for greater political commitment and practical action in overcoming global warming.

Writing to the Bishop of Natal, Rubin Philip, and the Bishop of Lebombo, Dinis Sengulane, Archbishop Makgoba says: ‘Our hearts go out to those who have lost loved ones, who have been injured, and who have lost homes and livelihoods through these storms and flooding. We hold them all in our prayers and in our love, and especially remember before God those who have died. May all in need hear the still small voice of God within the anguish and chaos they face, bringing comfort and strength in the days ahead.

‘I encourage our churches and parishioners to offer what help they can, whether through prayer upholding all who have died, been injured or displaced, of providing practical assistance wherever possible. I call on the governments and authorities concerned to take the necessary steps in declaring these disaster zones and providing both immediate help and longer term resources for reconstruction.’

The Archbishop adds: ‘Events such as these demonstrate the need for greater political will, and more urgent and comprehensive action, in overcoming global warming and its effects. Humanity must learn to treat God’s creation with due respect, if we are not to do our world and ourselves irreparable harm. The rest of the world must take account of what is happening here, for what we are experiencing is a global problem requiring global solutions.’

Issued by the Office of the Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town

Inquiries: Cynthia Michaels 021- 763-1320 (office hours)

Note to editors – The Anglican Church of Southern Africa, which Archbishop Makgoba heads, encompasses Angola, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, St Helena, South Africa, Swaziland and Tristan da Cunha.

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