Yesterday we briefly noted the Advent exhibition: Full of Grace, from The Episcopal Church and Visual Arts.
Advent calls us to slow down and recognize the incarnation of God all around us and especially in the coming birth of Christ in our midst. Take time to meditate on one of these offerings by Episcopal artists.
The theme of grace permeates each part of the exhibit. Often we talk about grace, discussing it, reading about it, but in these slides one can experience grace at a very different level involving us in a more organic understanding.
Take a few moments each of the next 25 days of Advent to savor an aspect of Grace as you sit with the artist and her or his creation. Click on each item on the opening page to see it and read more about the offerings.
C. Robin Janning
we fly across
perilous territories
caught only by love
To see other Advent calendars and meditations, including the one from the Diocese of Washington (DC) click here and here