General Convention committee appointments posted

Legislative Committees are where the real work of General Convention takes place. They receive the reports of Standing Commissions and the included resolutions as well as all the other resolutions that have been proposed by dioceses, bishops and deputies. They are charged with trying to mix the whole lot together into a coherent whole.

If they vote to approve the resultant form then it gets sent to the whole body for a vote. If approved it becomes guidance for the Episcopal Church in the coming three years.

So it goes without saying that, if you’re interested in a particular question facing the Episcopal Church, you’re probably interested in who has been appointed to the committee that will deal with it.

Bonnie Anderson, the President of the House of Deputies, has released her appointment list today and you can find it here.

The Presiding Bishop makes the appointments from the House of Bishops, and while many of those have been made, they’re not public yet.

For those amongst us who are General Convention wonks, it’s a fun day!

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