Greening the Church

Creation care has become an important aspect of mission and ministry for many congregations.  It is also an

Grace Episcopal Church in Silver Spring, Md. (Toni L. Sandys/The Washington Post)
Grace Episcopal Church in Silver Spring, Md. (Toni L. Sandys/The Washington Post)

opportunity for ecumenical and interfaith cooperation for many.  Recently, Grace Episcopal Church in Silver Spring, MD was highlighted in an article in the Washington Post for their efforts.  They are the the third congregation in the Washington area to enroll in a two-year certification program through Greenfaith, an interfaith environmental organization.

The Rev. Andrew Walter, priest at Grace Church was quoted;

“My sense is there’s a growing awareness of environmental issues in the wider culture and society, and as that’s happened, there’s also been a growing theological understanding in the church,” Walter said. “Here at our own congregation, it’s sort of a no-brainer — people just immediately understand that the Earth comes from God, and we need to care for it.”


posted by Jon White

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