Grounded in Love-Ecology, Faith and Action


We hear about ‘The Intentional Life,’ one lived with active intention, but how do we bring that forth into a living reality? Nancy Roth’s new book Grounded in Love: Ecology, Faith, and Action offers guidance. Phyllis Tickle has said about this new book, “Roth’s gentle commentary and elegant passion entice us to a one-ness with creation and each other that is both active and rooted in faith.”

Here’s an excerpt from Grounded in Love: Ecology, Faith, and Action:

“Will our grandchildren’s lives be made fearful by wars waged for the sake of diminishing supplies of oil or for the even more necessary resource of clean water? Will economic and social injustice cause ever more instability in the world? Will arrogance and fanaticism continue to breed terrorism? Will these grandchildren of ours be able to remain healthy, despite the toxins that they probably have already absorbed?

“How best could I begin to contribute in at least a small way to a future world in which all human beings, from infants to the aged, might flourish? And where was God in this endeavor? I knew the answer, and have known it, in fact, for a long time, because I have been thinking about these issues for many years. I laid the groundwork in my volume Organic Prayer and in a few articles in religious journals. The gestation period for this book was long and full, and included sitting as an adult student in two environmental studies courses at Oberlin College. But it is the grandchildren who have provided me with the passion and the energy to fit the writing of Grounded in Love into my busy life.”

~ by Nancy Roth

Here’s a review from Grounded in Love: Ecology, Faith, and Action:

“This immensely alluring book is a spiritual invitation into a deeper experience of intentional life. I hope many people will join Nancy on this journey into the soul and spirit of conscious universe.”—The Rt. Rev. Steven Charleston, President and Dean, Episcopal Divinity School.

Author Nancy Roth is an Episcopal priest, retreat leader, author, dancer, and musician.

On View: Renarayama, cover image for Grounded in Love: Ecology, Faith, and Action by Diane Walker. Diane is a frequent contributor to the Art Blog at Episcopal Cafe. You can see more of Diane’s work at her website:

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