sfgate.com, has an article up looking at the issue of how to be an ally
“There are people who would like to participate, but they feel co-opted and don’t want to be aligned with the vandalism and with people throwing things at the police,” said Alameda County Supervisor Keith Carson, a black community leader who has participated in numerous social movements over the years. “It’s a small number that causes the trouble at the protests, but we just don’t know how to overcome that. The same issue co-opted the Occupy movement.”
Carson said he welcomes white voices and participation. Many African American activists say the same — but they also say blacks’ voices need to be in the forefront.
The perception of justice being denied in the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown, who were killed by police officers while unarmed, has led to protests across the nation as well as vigorous debate, both in-person and across the internet. It would be fair to say that many people feel compelled to speak and to act out on their frustrations and desires for justice. An important question arising though is; how can white people be effective allies? This seems to be an important question in all movements for justice; and speaks to the need for those used to being the dominant voices recognizing that theirs isn’t the only or even most important voice that needs to be heard. If the gospel imperative is itself a justice movement, than it seems as though there are very important issues for our own church to address as well.
posted by Jon White