The human family longs for connection, for embrace, for meaning. God made us that way and invites us to broker the distance between us with more than words—with embodied love and practices of compassion and justice. ~Mary Haddad
Excerpted from Holiness and the Feminine Spirit The Art of Janet McKenzie; Susan Perry, editor. 28 full-color paintings by award-winning artist Janet McKenzie with accompanying reflections by leading women writers. Orbis Books 2009 Used with permission.
About the writer, Mary Haddad
The Rev. Canon Mary Haddad was ordained to the priesthood of The Episcopal Church in 2001. In January 2007 she was called to the position of Canon Pastor of Grace Cathedral, San Francisco. The Vestry of All Saints Episcopal Church Beverly Hills has called Haddad to serve as Interim Pastor commencing January 2010.
About the book, Holiness and the Feminine Spirit
Holiness and the Feminine Spirit The Art of Janet McKenzie by Susan Perry. 28 full-color paintings by award-winning artist Janet McKenzie with accompanying reflections by leading women writers. Orbis Books 2009 Download a PDF.
This beautiful book explores how holiness can empower women and how empowered women work to bring about the reign of God. The paintings of Janet McKenzie and the accompanying reflections follow the life of Jesus through the women who gave him birth and carried his message to the world. The form and color of the images astound and the words of the text inspire!
The 28 contributors include well-known writers such as Joyce Rupp, Joan Chittister, and Diane Butler Bass, theologian Elizabeth A. Johnson, art critic Sr. Wendy Beckett, best-selling novelist Ann Patchett, social activist and writer Helen Prejean, feminist Chung Hyun Kyung, Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori of the American Episcopal Church, and many others.
About the artist, Janet McKenzie
Artist Janet McKenzie has committed her life’s work to creating inclusive art celebrating women. Ms. McKenzie’s image of Jesus, “Jesus of the People”, was selected winner of the National Catholic Reporter’s “Jesus 2000” competition, by judge Sister Wendy Beckett. She lives and works in Vermont. Seen above, Epiphany by Janet McKenzie.