Integrity, Chicago Consultation issue statements

Following the close of the 76th General Convention of the Episcopal Church, there were statements issued by the Chicago Consultation, and by Integrity.

An excerpt from the Chicago Consultation statement (available in full here):

At this General Convention, we have both advanced mission relationships in the Anglican Communion and opened the way for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people in the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion to realize fully the promises of their baptism. We celebrate the progress we have made toward full inclusion of all baptized people in God’s church and pray that the Spirit will continue to bless the Episcopal Church’s mission and relationships across the Anglican Communion.

Now the work begins.

See also today’s essay in the Daily Episcopalian by Rebecca Wilson, director of communications for the Chicago Consultation.

From the Integrity Press Release:

We came to this convention committed to moving the church beyond BO33 and forward on equality for the blessing of same sex unions — and we are beyond gratified that we have realized both of those goals.

Thirty three years after promising “full and equal claim” to the gay and lesbian baptized, the Episcopal Church has affirmed equal access to ordination processes for all orders of ministry for all the baptized, has approved a broad local option for the blessings of our relationships and has called the church to work together toward common liturgical expressions of those blessings.

It is a great day for the church and a greater day for the witness to God’s inclusive love.

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