IPL’s founder speaks on environment at Windsor Castle

Interfaith Power and Light’s founder and president, the Rev. Canon Sally Bingham attended a summit on the environment at Windsor Castle along with IPL’s executive director Susan Stephenson and met HRH Prince Phillip and the UN Secretary-General. Bingham, an Episcopal priest, emphasized the importance of the role of religious leaders in the growing emphasis on environmental stewardship. Kudos!

‘Religious Leaders from Around the World Meet with U.N. Secretary-General at Windsor Castle

Religious leaders from all major world religions gathered this week at Windsor Castle to meet with U.N. Secretary-General, His Excellency Mr. Ban Ki-moon, and HRH Prince Philip, presenting ideas and committing to protect Creation.

Ban believes in the enormous influence that religious leaders have in addressing moral issues, saying they have a unique position in the discussion on the future of the planet. “Without full support and cooperation of religious leaders it will be very difficult to obtain… a binding agreement in Copenhagen,” he said.

IPL’s founder and president, the Rev. Canon Sally Bingham and executive director Susan Stephenson attended the summit.

“Up until recently,” Bingham said,” the religious community had abdicated its responsibility to care for creation.” Bingham told the audience at Friends House in London, “I believe that clergy talking about environmental stewardship from the pulpit will have more influence than will scientists or a politician.”

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