The newly appointed president of the Standing Committee of San Joaquin of the Province of the Southern Cone is Mr. Ted Yumoto. At present The Episcopal Church lists Yumoto as a member of its Executive Council representing Province VIII. His term runs to 2009; see here and here.
As earlier reported, on Saturday Bishop John-David Schofield removed certain members of the San Joaquin standing committee. His explanation at the time read, in part:
Therefore, this morning I received the resignation of those members of the Standing Committee who do not meet the above qualifications. Communication and correspondence related to the Standing Committee should now be directed to the new President of the Standing Committee, Mr. Ted Yumoto, at the Diocesan Offices.
Later that same day, the duly-elected president of the Standing Committee contradicted the bishop stating “The members of the committee at this morning’s meeting were quite clear on this point, we did not resign, we were declared unqualified to hold office.” On Monday Schofield issued a revised statement replacing the paragraph above with this:
The members of the Standing Committee were elected and seated prior to the convention’s overwhelming vote to accept the invitation of the Province of the Southern Cone. At the moment of ratification, qualification for service on Standing Committee, as well as elected and appointed diocesan leadership positions changed. Therefore, certain members of that Standing Committee who do not meet the above qualifications, by their own conscience, understood that they were not qualified to remain in those positions unless and until they can accept fully their membership in the Province of the Southern Cone. Every one of these former members of that Committee are strong, faithful and orthodox leaders within this Diocese who are taking the opportunity afforded them for discernment as parish priests and we thank them for their past, present and future service. Communication and correspondence related to the Standing Committee should now be directed to the new President of the Standing Committee, Mr. Ted Yumoto, at the Diocesan Offices.
At least two questions remain. (1) Has Mr. Yumoto resigned his position on the Executive Council of The Episcopal Church?, and, if not, (2) Does he, by his own conscience, understand that he is not qualified to serve as Schofield’s new president unless and until he can accept fully his membership in the Province of the Southern Cone?
The newly appointed president of the Standing Committee of San Joaquin of the Province of the Southern Cone is Mr. Ted Yumoto. At present The Episcopal Church lists Yumoto as a member of its Executive Council representing Province VIII. His term runs to 2009….