From Relevant Magazine
Well the first thing I wish the Church would process this new information is to consider the question: Why is it that it seems easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is to violate the civil rights of young black men?
This case has not happened in isolation. The findings from the DOJ come in the context of [a court] found no violation of Trayvon Martin’s civil rights. We’re still waiting with Eric Garner, John Crawford in Ohio. The list goes on and on.
One of the things that came out of this report from the Department of Justice is the issue related to compliance. They affirm—or insist—that if all of these people were just more compliant, the police officers would not have felt that their only recourse was to use deadly force.
My question to that is, if it’s a matter of these people all being just so noncompliant, then why is it that we so rarely hear about these kinds of things happening to white people? Are you saying there are never white people that are “noncompliant” when stopped by police officers? We have enough evidence to know that that’s not true. Then why aren’t we hearing about more 17- and 18-year-old white young men winding up dead when they have been “noncompliant” with police officers?