Methodists target online seekers

A Pew Internet & American Life Project report revealed that 64 percent of Internet users in 2003 used the Web for spiritual and religious activities, a jump from 25 percent in 2001. Twenty-eight percent of respondents said they used the Internet to seek or exchange information about their own religious faith or tradition and 17 percent used the Internet to find information about where to attend religious services.

The United Methodist Church is using this data for its “Igniting Ministry” campaign to increase memebership and to assist seekers. According to The Christian Post:

More than 21 million people are expected to drop in on a new wave of online interactive ads being launched by one of the nation’s largest Protestant denominations.

As part of a multi-million dollar “Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors.” advertising campaign, The United Methodist Church will target the younger generation (22- to 44-year-olds) over the next two months with ad messages on the Internet.

“We’re seeking to reach people who feel like something is missing from their life and are looking for meaning or purpose,” said the Rev. Larry Hollon, chief executive of the United Methodist Communications, in a released statement. “Many of those people are searching online. We’ve chosen sites where they may be looking for something to fill a void in their lives – whether it’s travel, relationships, or something more spiritual.”

More on the campaign can be found here

I wonder what the latest data would show on internet usage and spiritual seekers. Episcopal Cafe is our way of reaching out.

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