Through a blog, Twitter, and Facebook Wyoming’s mission trip to Honduras is reported back home as it happens. The immediacy of being virtually present with those on the mission has connected the team, the people of El Ceiba, and Wyoming Episcopalians who support the work from afar.
This trip is to a clinic the diocese of Wyoming has been helping to build in El Ceibo. Dr. Elmer Meijo has visited us several times. We assisted him with funds to complete medical school and fulfill his dream of having a clinic for all people in under-served areas of Honduras. The diocese also bought and installed a hyperbaric chamber to save divers who work in the nearby waters. It is the only one in Honduras. The Rev. Dr. Gus Salbador who served in churches in that area of Honduras and in Wyoming was instrumental in encouraging us to action. The team includes Diocese of Wyoming Deputy to General Convention Josey Nickles, who will be one of the youngest deputies. The Rev. Kay Rohde, Director of Wind and Wings, a program of the diocese making Wyoming communities stronger and healthier, especially for youth, writes on Facebook:
“El Centro Medico Bendicion (Blessing Medical Clinic) is open for business! After we blessed the clinic, we opened the gates – they were waiting – no signs yet, all word of mouth – way over hundred people came for care. Everyone was busy and as Elmer explained the name – the clinic is a Blessing for the people, for him and for us to be able to serve those who need help = we were truly blessed today.”
Read more here.