News from the next to last day of ACC meeting

The reports of the next to final day of the Anglican Consultative Council’s meeting are starting to appear online. The surprise news of the day was the election of Ian Douglas of the Episcopal Church to the Joint Standing Committee.

Episcopal News has the details of Douglas’ election and lists the others also elected:

“The ACC elected to its Standing Committee the Rev. Ian Douglas, clerical representative of the Episcopal Church; Anthony Fitchett, lay representative of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia; Dato Stanley Isaacs, lay representative of the Province of South East Asia; and Bishop Azad Marshall, episcopal representative of the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East. They were chosen from a field of 11 candidates.”

The ENS report has complete coverage of the day’s developmentshere.

Colin Coward has posted a report about the newly elected chair of the ACC, Bishop James Tengatenga. The gist of the report is that there’s a major difference between the new chair and the Nigerian clergy who claimed there was a satanic spirit in the room during Friday’s election.

You can find the “satanic” quote and more in the report on the finals days of the meeting in the post by Religious Intelligence here.

There still a little more business to take up in the morning on the final day.

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