Nigerians push back on anti-gay laws

In What has Africa done to organised religion to deserve this…,

Since the 5th century (Pope Gelasius I, 492 to 496), Africa has not seen any African elected into the prominent papal office as pope. Africa, — throughout its brutal slave history, condoned by a church that allowed the establishment of incomprehensible symbolisms like building churches atop slave dungeons as well as owning slaves whom they considered souless, — has much too often bitten the dust to the gloatful anticipation of men who kill in God’s name. Recent examples are the Nigerian Anglican Archbishop’s loud call for a statutory brutalization other human beings (homosexuals) alongside the Pope’s campaign against the use of life saving condoms, bring the question of love and hate to the fore. Is the church’s universal message of love embedded in hypocrisy? Why would they rather people die or be tortured to promote their message. Is this a return to the dispensation of crusades where religious groups would leave no stone unturned to promote their ideologies no matter how much distress it may cause humanity? What has become of the religions of love and wisdom?


As for the Nigerian Anglican Archbishop, Peter Akinola, it only takes a look at his appeal made at the Nigerian Senate to see through him: a robe wearing Bishop asking for fellow human beings to be mercilessly brutalised, without remorse. Gone are the days when the display of tolerance and love to further God’s message was the order of the day. The bible’s golden rule of love thy neighbour as thyself has become hate thy neighbour as thou ‘despiseth’ no other. Priests are gallivanting the face of the earth, advocating for mass deaths and torture while we stand on the sidelines and watch… . If only Africans would recognise organised religion’s incessant battle to crush their beliefs to the benefit of a religious culture that was carefully put together in Rome, the same culture that politically promoted sexual and racial intolerance while making Africans believe that the homosexuality was imported whilst Christianity is African. If only we had the slightest clue of the ongoing process of the redefinition of our hard earned civilisation and freedom. Al-quaeda is not the only threat to our future freedom.

Read more here.

The Lagos Guardian, although anti-gay, writes:

Since sodomy is already criminalised in Nigeria, we wonder whether the National Assembly is utilising its time optimally by focusing on homosexuality when the majority of our people are suffering from hunger, lack of access to water and disease. Moreover, as pointed out by the gay lobbyists, same sex marriage is not a common social practice in Nigeria therefore legislating against it is redundant and can only further stigmatise the sexual minority. Perhaps the National Assembly should be spending its time on real issues that impact on the lives of long-suffering Nigerians.

The International Humanist and Ethical Union reports:

Leo Igwe, Executive Director of the Nigerian Humanist movement, which has staunchly supported LGBT rights, roundly condemned Akinola’s statements saying: “If ever a law were an incitement to hate, this is it, and here is Archbishop Akinola giving it his full backing. His support for this oppressive and homophobic bill must be strongly condemned. It is appalling that Akinola has used his influential position to wage war against the human rights of gays and lesbians and to spread the message of hate and intolerance in the Anglican Communion. He has expressly endorsed the persecution and dehumanisation of sexual minorities. He is attempting to foist on the Anglican Communion a backward looking position on sexuality and marriage reminiscent of the Dark Ages. One day the Anglican Communion will look back on the era of Akinola with pain and great regret.”

Davis Mac-Iyalla comments in The Guardian, UK.

Thinking Anglicans asks:

There is no mention on either [the CANA or ACNA websites] of the support given by the Church of Nigeria (and other Christian churches) to the proposed Nigerian Same Gender Marriage (Prohibition) Act. Do CANA and ACNA support the Church of Nigeria’s position?

We at Episcopal Cafe´ asked the same question. We are waiting for an answer.

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