Start with one cavernous cube. Add two CDs, two flash drives, two monitors, two control decks, 2 miles of cabling, and 2 Leopard Macs. Call in 2 media pros, 2 artists, and 2 musicians.
On View: Backstage at Worship at the 6th General Convention of The Episcopal Church. Photo by Mel Ahlborn.
On the Homepage, Daily Episcopalian: The Ubuntu Reredos, detail. 2009. Digital. Visible, “The Letter M” by Ellen Wiener; “The Earth”, courtesy of NASA. Mel Ahlborn, producer.
On the Homepage, Speaking to the Soul: The Ubuntu Reredos, detail. 2009. Digital. Visible, “Jesus Christ” by John Guiliani; “The Letter M” by Ellen Wiener, “Canterbury Cathedral Plan”, from G. Dehio and G. von Bezold, Die Kirchliche Baukunst desAbendlandes, Stuttgart, 1887-1902. Mel Ahlborn, producer.