Our Top Ten stories for 2016

Here are the most popular stories from the Episcopal Cafe in 2016

1.Two Episcopal Churches Vandalized With Racist Messages

(NOV 13)  Episcopal church buildings in Indiana and Maryland were defaced a week after the election as dark forces unfettered by their candidates open embrace of racist and xenophobic rhetoric are emboldened.

The back of the sign at The Church of Our Savior in Silver Spring, Maryland was vandalized Saturday night. The sign advertises services in Spanish.

2. Episcopal Church formally asserts its support of pipeline protestors

(OCT 24) The Executive Council of the Episcopal Church adopted a resolution calling on government leaders at the national, state and local levels to “de-escalate military and police provocation” at the site of the protests, staged by groups naming themselves Water Protectors, against the Dakota Access Pipeline near the territory of the Standing Rock Sioux nation.  The resolution also praised the efforts of native nations leaders of the Standing Rock and Cheyenne River Sioux Tribes to promote a “prayerful and nonviolent presence.”


3.Lifting up our Hearts: Communion and Springsteen at Ground Zero

(SEP 11) In this moving remembrance posted in our features section, The Magazine, Janet Vincent recalls an impromptu Eucharist celebrated in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 at Ground Zero in New York City



4.Opinion: Denying the Imago Dei: The triumph of Donald Trump

(MAR 2) In this opinion piece from VTS Dean Ian Markham, he outlined what he saw as danger in the vacuousness of Donald Trump’s rhetoric.


5. Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music adds fish to Eucharist for trial use

(APR 1) Our annual April Fool’s day prank this year proved especially popular as it seemed just credible enough


6.#primates2016 releases official statement

(JAN 14) The Primates spoke of how they wanted to maintain their unity but also outlined how they wanted the Episcopal church to be punished for its moves towards full inclusion of LGBT+ persons, including marriage equality


7.ELCA approves historic agreement with Roman Catholic Church

(AUG 11) The ELCA voted to accept the “Declaration on the Way,” a unique ecumenical document that marks a path toward greater unity between Catholics and Lutherans. Following the vote, an emotional assembly stood to applaud the momentous decision.  At the heart of the document are 32 “Statements of Agreement” that state where Lutherans and Catholics do not have church-dividing differences on topics about church, ministry and the Eucharist. More tentatively, the document also explores differences that remain.


8.The saint emerging from #Primates2016

(JAN 15) In the aftermath of the Primate’s gathering, Ruth Gledhill wrote a glowing profile of Presiding Bishop Curry in Christian Today, saying; “The holiness in him and in his words is tangible…. It is his grace in the face of terrible rejection that shines out from this whole sorry episode.”Curry copy


9.Episcopal Church plans Revivals for 2017-18

(DEC 19) The Church Center announced plans to hold six evangelism events in the next two years.  Calling them revivals draws on a long history, but may alienate many Episcopalians.

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry

10.Scottish Episcopal Church votes for marriage equality

(JUN 10) Despite threats by the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Primates; the Scottish Episcopal Church voted to support marriage equality. Though the headlines say “gay marriage” the Church has actually changed the marriage canon to make it open to all couples.  A second vote will be needed at the next Synod to make the change.

Sign which hangs outside every Scottish Episcopal Church. It depicts a Bishop's mitre surrounded by the badges of the seven bishoprics. Holy Trinity belongs to the Diocese of St. Andrew's, Dunkeld and Dunblane.
Sign which hangs outside every Scottish Episcopal Church. It depicts a Bishop’s mitre surrounded by the badges of the seven bishoprics. Holy Trinity belongs to the Diocese of St. Andrew’s, Dunkeld and Dunblane.
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