A Prayer for the Beginning of September
“In this new season, call us to sit in your presence: an early morning to ourselves, the reading of your Gospels…”
“In this new season, call us to sit in your presence: an early morning to ourselves, the reading of your Gospels…”
“A host of weeds have cropped up so that in many places I can’t see the soil anymore, but I know the vegetable plants are growing. I see red tomatoes and large zucchinis surrounded by red, orange, and yellow marigolds. A few sunflowers loom overhead and I spot a bumble bee searching for nectar. Pouring out of the hose, water fills the garden and in the growing garden, I find rest.”
“Thank you for this new school year, full of energy and ideas, excitement and joy.
“I think that’s a cue we can take from children – the cue to invite others to join us. To come and see. It’s always a joy to see friends invite friends and to share their enthusiasm. God’s story of love and grace for us and the world is one to be told.”
“Now it’s August and we’ve picked an abundance of cherry tomatoes from the volunteer plant. We’ve delighted in the sun-ripened tomatoes and given thanks for their bounty, not from the work of our hands, but from the work that happens when we open our eyes to God’s abundance in our midst.”
“At your baptism God claimed you as a child of God. Forever loved and forever claimed. So what do you say we take time now to remember that call and the name God has given to each of us.”
“This is our camper’s prayer, be with us, Lord.”
“Dwell in me this day, Lord. Help me to see you in my neighbor. To offer a helping hand, a shoulder to cry on, and a meal to feed a hungry soul.”
“Behold. Be still. Know: I am, I am, I am. Refuge.”
(Based on Psalm 46)
“Together, the plants strengthen and protect one another. They are waiting together, reaching for the sun. The red, yellow, and orange colors reveal such beauty, offering seeds and new life with every touch of the wind. The light shining down touches them all.”