Presiding Bishop-elect interviewed on PBS’s Religion & Ethics Newsweekly

PBS Religion and Ethics Newsweekly recently had a story on Presiding Bishop-elect Michael Curry which offers a good overview of the challenges facing the church and some insight into the character of Bp Curry.

from the interview;

LAWTON: Curry will be leading the Episcopal Church from the denomination’s headquarters in New York City. He says he wants to see Episcopalians partner with other faith groups to, in his words, move toward becoming the human family of God.

CURRY: ‘Cause when that happens, then we don’t let children go to bed hungry. When that happens, we don’t let injustice reign. When that happens, we figure out how to settle our disputes in nonviolent and peaceful ways. When that happens, we figure out how to care for this creation.

LAWTON: Curry says he caught a vision for the church on a recent trip to Selma, Alabama, when he was staying near the Edmund Pettus Bridge, where civil rights protesters were beaten 50 years ago.

CURRY: I realized that that bridge filled with so much pain in memory also was the crucible of hope, because crossing that bridge was crossing from a painful past into a hopeful future. That’s our work. To find ways to be a bridge community that does bring differing people together under the rubric of love.


Watch it all here




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