The Presiding Bishop has called for a special convention of the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Fort Worth for Feb. 7th. The convention is tasked with electing a provisional bishop and reorganizing the diocesan government to replace those who have left to join the Province of the Southern Cone.
The ENS story is here.
From the story:
“Jefferts Schori’s announcement said that “all qualified clerical and lay delegates to the convention are urged to attend,” adding that criteria for qualification would be announced soon. The Steering Committee’s diocesan website lists 13 congregations as remaining members of the diocese.
The Presiding Bishop convened a similar meeting in the Diocese of San Joaquin in March 2008 after the former leadership of that diocese left the Episcopal Church to align with the Southern Cone province. Prior to the beginning of that meeting, Jefferts Schori recommended retired Diocese of Northern California Bishop Jerry Lamb to become provisional bishop for the diocese. She recommended him in accordance with Canon III.13.1. That canon states in part that “a diocese without a bishop may, by an act of its convention, and in consultation with the Presiding Bishop, be placed under the provisional charge and authority of a bishop of another diocese or of a resigned bishop.”
Katie Sherrod writing on her blog has some thoughts as well:
What you won’t read [in the ENS story], because there is simply no way for a reporter to document it, is the incredible sense of joy and liberation being experienced here, as happy Episcopalians reach out to one another and to others, sharing their love of God and of one another in ministries new and old.