Press conference delayed

Scrapping my earlier item to update: I am hearing that the press cnference is off until 3 p. m. EST. The rumor I have heard from two sources is that Peter Akinola is the lonly person who won’t sign the communique at this point. But, I stress that this is a rumor, and the fact that I have heard it from two sources may just m ean they were sitting at the same table when the rumor was born.

Meanwhile, here is Scott Gunn ‘s latest.

“The press conference, scheduled for 6:45 p.m., has not begun. It is almost an hour late. I have solid information about the reasons for the delay, and some of the news that will emerge. From what I have heard, things are looking very good from an Inclusive Church perspective.”

In addition: One person who has read the covenant has commented on Thinking Anglicans, saying it does’t look too bad to him.

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