Bishop Howe (Central Florida) in his Convention Address:
While people can call themselves anything they like, the only true “Anglicans” are those in full communion with Canterbury. The Anglican Mission in the Americas, the Convocation of Anglicans in North America, the Reformed Episcopal Church, the Charismatic Episcopal Church, the Evangelical Episcopal Church, the Anglican Province in America, and so on…are NOT.
So, the process of “disaffiliation,” and “realignment” – in order to be more truly “Anglican” seems to me a fairly specious and vain enterprise. The way to remain Anglican – at least for now – is to remain Episcopalian!
Unless it falls under “and so on” the bishop, however, does not address his perspective on the situation in the Diocese of San Joaquin.
Thanks to Mark Harris for the link. See his observations on the bishop’s address here.