Revival series starts in Pittsburgh

The first of six scheduled Revivals led by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry will take place in Pittsburgh next month. The Diocese has posted some tentative details of the events scheduled for February 3-5, 2017.

The three-day event, described as “The Presiding Bishop’s Pilgrimage for Reconciliation, Healing and Evangelism,” will include a service of repentance and reconciliation, a youth breakfast, and an Absalom Jones day celebration, followed by a program “to bridge the divides of race and denomination, to engage together in three great works: to help bring recovery from addiction, development out of poverty, and the hope of Jesus Christ into the lives of those around us.”

The final day features a “Sending of Pilgrims” and closing worship. Attendees are encouraged to “bring an unchurched friend” to some of the programmed events.

Each of the six Revivals will have its own focus and flavor, according to the Presiding Bishop’s office. To see more of what the first one might feature, visit the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh website, here.



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