In a sad counterpoint that speaks to the pervasiveness of guns in American society. Apparently, at least some issues of today’s Post and Courier in Charleston were delivered with a 30% off coupon for a local gun shop as shown in the image above.
The suspect, Dylann Storm Roof, seems to have nurtured anti-black animus and a propensity for anti-social behavior, but still some people thought that a gun would be a good thing for him to have.
From the Post and Courier
Before Thursday, Roof had been arrested twice in South Carolina as an adult, according to the State Law Enforcement Division. He was jailed March 1 in Lexington County on a drug charge and again on April 26 on a trespassing charge.
On his Facebook page, a photograph shows Roof staring blankly at the camera with a swamp in the
background. On his jacket are two flags: one flown in South Africa during apartheid, a period of racial segregation, and one from Rhodesia, an area of Africa now known as Zimbabwe[that also enforced a kind of apartheid].
Roof’s uncle told Reuters that Roof got a gun as a birthday present in April, when he turned 21. The family member told the news agency that he had recognized his nephew from surveillance images.