Many stories from around the Episcopal/Anglican world emerge in any given week that we aren’t able to develop further here at the Cafe. So, here is a roundup of stories you might have missed.
From ENS, bishops in DC visiting congress to talk about gun-related issues
British MP says bishops should take ABC to court over spouse ban
Bishops are beginning to weigh in on how to respond to the Canterbury’s not inviting same-sex spouses to the Lambeth Conference
The Bishop of Liverpool (CoE) has said he will attend without his wife next year, in protest at a bar on the partners of gay clergy:
We already covered that Bishop Glasspool plans to bring her wife, and the according a statement from the diocese of New York, the other bishops there will attend and their spouses plan to stand in support of Bishop Glasspool’s wife, Becki:
Alan Gates of Massachusetts has said that he looks forward tot he upcoming meeting of TEC bishops and hopes for a resonse made in community there:
Although as a reminder, the hurtful decision of Canterbury may all be for nothing int he end as last June, GAFCON urged its member bishops to not attend unless the bishops of the breakaway church bodies in the US (ACNA) and Brazil are invited as full participants:
Bishop of Liberia and EDS alum Jonathan Hart to become Primate of West Africa on Sunday
Anglican/Episcopal Women’s voices once again will be heard at the UN Commission on the Status of Women annual meeting
TEC is launching a campaign to fund pensions for Cuba
A really interesting article on relics and the tour of a particular saints heart around the US
Kind of sensationalist, but interesting article about Roman priests who have children – apparently there’s a support group on FB for the kids that has 50k members
The Episcopal Church is launching the process of developing new translations of its Book of Common Prayer 1979 into Spanish, French and Creole
The conviction of Roman Catholic Archbishop Pell from his hometown paper in Sydney. Its interesting to see how they are still shading their response and includes a statement from the Anglican Archbishop (who is one of the leaders of GAFCON, btw)
image: Members of the Anglican Communion chosen to be part of the official delegation to the UN’s Commission on the Status of Women CSW63 meeting: From left-to-right and top-to-bottom: Jennifer Allen, Anatolie Dusabe, Ley-Anne Forsyth, Tomie Kaneko, Anika Kingmele, Nontlantla Mashiyane, Grace Ofori-Abebrese, and Ruihana Paenga. Anatolie Dusabe, from the Anglican Church of Burundi, will not attend CSW63 as her application for a US entry visa has been refused. from ACNS