Saturday collection 8/29/09

Here is our weekly collection plate of a few of the good things that Episcopalians and their congregations have done that made the news this past week. And other news fit to print.

Grants will enable medical mission in Austin,TX

El Buen Samaritano Episcopal Mission in southwest Austin, Texas, has received grants from St. Luke’s Episcopal Health Charities and other agencies that will enable it to serve 4,000 more underinsured and uninsured working poor patients. Melinda Rodriguez, director of development for the Wallace Mallory Clinic, said August 26 that the approximately $509,000 in grants will mean the 20-year-old clinic can finally add staff positions — a full-time resident doctor, nurse and medical assistant — of its own.


Chicago ministry to sell bakery products at “French Market”

“We feel like the exposure will be good with that many commuters coming in everyday and we just think it’s an exciting and fresh concept,” said the Rev. Stan Sloan, an Episcopal priest and founder of Sweet Miss Giving’s bakery, a nonprofit venture that employs people with disabilities and gives 50 percent of its profits to the Chicago House, a shelter for people with HIV and AIDS that Sloan also runs. Sweet Miss Giving’s, which opened in November 2008, doesn’t have a retail space of its own, Sloan said. They just own a factory space where they make their products and then sell them at different retail locations, such as Whole Foods. “This will really be as close as we have to having a storefront,” Sloan said. “It’s great exposure for us.”


Rainbow Warrior has a nice set of photos of Episcopal Churches posted on Flickr. Take a look.


Prayer shawl knitters bring comfort

The Gadsden Times, Alabama reports:

As Frances and I talked, Donna Lewis called my husband, Wade, back into the library where the Prayer Shawl Knitters were busy on their projects. The Nichols story has been a project of my own during this summer of uncertainty and week-to-week reports on Wade’s health. Not that we are alone in our concerns — dear friend Nancy Smith said goodbye to husband Joe this week after a summer of health concerns; Ann and Michael Goodson play the week-to-week game when it comes to health. Thanks to everyone who has prayed, e-mailed or sent well-wishes in lovely cards. Frances and I ambled on toward the sanctuary. When I turned to see Wade walking toward us, a beautiful blue and white shawl in his hands, I realized Frances had drawn me away so the women could give him their unique expression of comfort.


Montana churches Fair Trade Coffee Project

All Saints in Big Sky, (Montana) a shared ministry of the Episcopal and Lutheran (ELCA) churches, has launched its Fair Trade Coffee Project. Three coffees are served at the congregation’s fellowship time after its 9:30 service at the Big Sky Chapel and are available for sale – Bishops Blend from Episcopal Relief and Development, Sister’s Blend from Lutheran World Relief, and Morningstar Sumatran, benefiting Morningstar Learning Center.


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