The University of the South is pleased to announce a $1 million gift from the Episcopal Foundation of Texas. Though the gift is being made to the university as a whole, a significant portion has been designated for the School of Theology.“We are blessed by our long partnership with Sewanee and we have the distinct pleasure to have many Sewanee graduates among both our lay leaders and our clergy. We are grateful to be able to make this gift and pray it will help to support the continued health and vitality of the University of the South and of the School of Theology,” said the Rt. Rev. C. Andrew Doyle, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas.
Vice Chancellor John M. McCardell Jr. said that the gift will boost plans to expand buildings and programs, including construction of new academic, conference, and residential facilites. The gift also offers opportunities to increase scholarships for students and to support faculty development. The School is home to the widely popular Education for Ministry program.
“The leadership of the bishop and Diocese of Texas is critical to Sewanee’s future, particularly their support of the expanding work of the School of Theology,” said the Rt. Rev. J. Neil Alexander, dean of the School of Theology. “Bishop Doyle shares our vision that theological education is the birthright of all of the baptized and the Foundation’s support is a major factor in making that vision a living reality.”
The press release adds:
Sewanee: The University of the South comprises a nationally recognized College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, a School of Letters, and a distinguished School of Theology (seminary and The Beecken Center) serving The Episcopal Church. Located on 13,000 acres atop Tennessee’s Cumberland Plateau, Sewanee enrolls 1,550 undergraduates and approximately 170 seminarians in master’s and doctoral programs annually. Sewanee is owned by 28 Episcopal dioceses, the only university so directly related to The Episcopal Church.
Read more here.
Posted by Rosalind Hughes