Some solid links from General Convention

Bishop Gene Robinson has revived his blog Canterbury Tales from the Fringe. Today he wrote:

We also had a disturbing private (no one in the gallery) conversation in the House of Bishops that led me to feel discouraged about what lies ahead. That conversation is private, so I can’t detail it, but there seems to be a kind of belligerent attitude toward the House of Deputies by some of our bishops. Their vision of the episcopate is way too “high and mighty” for my taste, or my theology, and I am not happy about it. The last thing we bishops need is a larger measure of arrogance. Didn’t Jesus save his most serious criticism for the religious powers-that-be of his day who lorded their power and position over others?

I can’t say for sure, but the bishop may be referring to the fact that what struck me as a politically astute suggestion for the bishops to observe the Friday morning session of the House of Deputies–in which the deputies will be discussing resolution B033 from the 2006 General Convention–was voted down. I think this move would have indicated a gracious spirit on the part of the House of Bishops, and made it less likely that friction would develop between the two houses.

Dean Sam Candler, chair of the House of Deputies Prayer Book Committee, and dean of St. Philip’s Cathedral in Atlanta writes:

My prayer is about peace against anxiety. I pray that all this concentrated anxiety will not produce chaos and ill will and frustration. My prayer is about the order that might very well be established if General Convention finds a way to honor and bless same-sex relationships. I am glad that those resolutions devoted to such blessings will be considered in their customary ways by the Prayer Book, Liturgy, and Music committee. That would make available an ordered way of life that will make a great and graceful witness to the Anglican Communion and to the world.

And Cafe favorite Heidi Shott of the Diocese of Maine has created a new blog: Six word sermon:

This morning I was attempting to give a brief rendering of the day’s sermon by the Episcopal Church’s Presiding Bishop, the Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, on Day One of the Church’s General Convention in Anaheim, California. Because I’m hosting the Daily Wrap, a short – really short, two minute – video news show, I needed to capture the essence of the sermon in a limited number of words. So I thought, “How about six?”

Six Word Sermon was born. Like an hour ago.

For each day of General Convention, I will condense the sermon from the Daily Eucharist at General Convention into six words and reveal them on the Daily Wrap. (It should be up at the Media Hub by about 8 p.m. Pacific Time.)

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