by Sarah Brock
Easter Monday:
The Easter Sermon of St. John Chrysostom (circa 400 AD)
Cradle Christian that I am, it might be easy for me to identify with ‘those who have toiled from the first hour.’ It might be easy for me to at time resent those who arrived later, after the sixth or ninth or eleventh hours. It might be easy, except that it’s not.
Most days, I find I identify much more closely with the stereotypical fickle cat. Upon arriving, immediately wanting to know what is on the other side of that door. Leaving once again only to decide that I want to go back in. Or sometimes, leaving without even meaning to or realizing it. In and out. Arriving and leaving. Over and over and over again.
Or perhaps, I identify best with Schrödinger’s cat, simultaneously both arrived and not, until the box is opened. Until the stone is rolled away. Until the gates of hell are burst.
Until the universal kingdom has been revealed.
Until we all enter into the joy of the Lord.
For the tomb has been opened and discovered empty. Jesus having descended and destroyed hell has risen bringing new life, new hope, and a door that is always open.
Together, we have journeyed this past week through death to resurrection. Making our way through Jesus’ last moments with his friends, washing feet, eating together, and keeping watch in the garden. Sitting in sorrow and conviction at the foot of the cross. Shocked by the sudden silence and stillness at the seeming victory of death as the world continues on around us. Stages well known to anyone who has lost a loved one.
But now, we find that death has lost it’s sting. We find that light has scattered the darkness after all. We rejoice among angels and all of creation. Now, we receive our reward. Now, we share with one another in renewed life and light and love. Now, we find new life emerging in and around us!
Jesus is resurrected.
How will you enter in?
For all are welcome at this table, rich and poor, sober and slothful, you who are filled with doubt and you who are comforted by faith.
What is resurrected in you this Easter?
What new life is bubbling deep in your soul?
Whatever it may be, let us all enter into the joy of the Lord. Again and again and again.
Christ is risen! Alleluia!
Sarah Brock is becoming a postulant in the Diocese of Massachusetts and lives in Boston.
Image Credit: My own. Allegro content to have entered in.