O HEART, magnified in this silent space,
Rejoice! Bloom, you eye, in this light.
You, who are contemplated by these skies;
Look and see, you lowly soul, immortal.
What remains but singing or mad silence?
You, moment to moment, returning;
Whose echo will remain until the world’s end,
Discovered as you are in this evaporating self,
And witnessed in a holy kiss in death.
For one who has been mercy in fear;
For one who has been borne on sorrow’s wing;
For one whose seed, scattered, has fed;
Be still and sigh deeply!
What breath will come and tear
down thrones and nations?
What breath will come and bear us up
While the world grows weary
of hunger and war?
For, again, we remember,
Now that we are emptied to make room,
One coming as a woman in labor,
Birthing an untold universe of Suns;
A vessel of promise poured out
As a mercy from the stars. For ever.
Image above: “Summer Rain” by Nancy Stoller.
Words above: “Magnificat” by Br. Karekin Madteos Yarian, BSG – a song at “Vespers” from “Breviary: A Poem of Some Reverence”