Task Force on Review of the Presiding Bishop Election and Transition Process seeks input



The Task Force on Review of Presiding Bishop Election and Transition Process, created at the 78th General Convention in order to complete a “post-election review of the work of the Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop including all aspects of the process including the work of the Transition Committee,” invites feedback from across the Episcopal Church through the survey linked to below.  The Task Force roster, and their mandate, can be found here.


In addition to those directly involved in the work of the nomination, election and transition process, the task force encourages feedback from members throughout the church about their experience of the election and welcoming of a new Presiding Bishop.


The deadline for responses is October 28.


The survey is available in English here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PBprocess

The survey is available in Spanish here. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PBreviewES


The Rev. Anne Reed and Mr. William Fleener, Jr serve as chair and vice-chair of the Task Force.

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