Teens against popular culture

From CNN:

At one point in Jared Hutchins’ young life, the Beatles were a big problem.

“I had to stop listening to them for a while,” said Hutchins, who lives in Cumming, Georgia, and plays the piano, guitar and harmonica. He said the group’s world view “had a negative effect on me,” and made him irritable and angry.

“God owns my life, not the Beatles,” he said simply. Although Hutchins said he enjoys a wide range of music — from Pink Floyd and Arcade Fire to Christian bands such as Hillsong United — he said he has to be careful of what music he listens to, for the same reason he temporarily turned off the Beatles.

Hutchins, a 16-year-old graced with poise and thoughtfulness, is one of many teenagers who say that some part of popular culture, with its ubiquitous references to sex, drugs and violence, has harmed him.

Last year, Hutchins and his Christian youth group attended an Acquire the Fire rally in Atlanta, Georgia, he said. Acquire the Fire — regional rallies held across the country — and BattleCry — the larger rallies held this year in only three cities — are the products of the evangelical Christian organization Teen Mania.

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