“The Bride of God”


Alexander Andreyevich Ivanov [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3AIVANOV_YAV_HRISTA_MARI1.jpg

A new book and companion television program aim to reignite the argument as to whether or not Jesus was married. The Lost Gospel: Discovering the Ancient Text that Reveals Jesus’ Marriage to Mary the Magdalene, by Simcha Jacobovici and Barrie Wilson, is, according to the publisher’s website

a startling follow-up to the New York Times bestseller The Jesus Family Tomb.

The Lost Gospel takes the reader on an unparalleled historical adventure through a paradigm-shifting manuscript. … Part historical detective story, part modern adventure, The Lost Gospel reveals secrets that have been hiding in plain sight for millennia.

Jacobovici, writing at the Huffington Post, argues that

the proof for the historical marriage between Jesus of Nazareth and the woman known as Mary the Magdalene has become overwhelming. …They marry, but she’s not simply “Mrs. Jesus.” She is a partner in redemption referred to as the “Daughter of God” and “The Bride of God.”

The book is the partner to a documentary entitled The Bride of God, set to air on the Discovery Science channel during December.

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