The Advent Conspiracy

A new site is out to change the way we understand the Christmas holiday by recasting it so that it is viewed through the lens of the Season of Advent.

From the front page of the site:

“The story of Christ’s birth is a story of promise, hope, and a revolutionary love.

So, what happened? What was once a time to celebrate the birth of a savior has somehow turned into a season of stress, traffic jams, and shopping lists.

And when it’s all over, many of us are left with presents to return, looming debt that will take months to pay off, and this empty feeling of missed purpose. Is this what we really want out of Christmas?

What if Christmas became a world-changing event again?

Welcome to Advent Conspiracy.”

You can find the site here.

Advent, being the season in which we look for the in-breaking of the fullness of the Kingdom of God often gets ignored as we rush to the Celebration of Christmas. This site’s particularly provocative in that is uses the preparation for Christmas as a call to make the present world begin to more fully anticipate the reign of Christ the King.

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