A column from The Daily Trust of Abuja.
Note especially this passage: What amazes some of us is the audacity of deviants. The end times are here with us. We will hear and witness many strange things. A minority with an aberrant lifestyle will be pushing to impose their behaviour on the majority. A people who ought to hide their heads in shame want to pressure us to accept and even promote their aberrant lifestyle. In much of the Western world, gay people have compelled society to tolerate or accept their lifestyle but we in Africa have resolutely refused to toe that line. This is one issue that Africa seems to have resolved not to follow the West despite intimidation from those quarters.
And this one: It is certain that if those who signed the genocide convention knew that the definition of genocide is so elastic that it also protects lesbians and homosexuals, they would have hesitated before signing. In these end times, we will continue to see the manifestations of the wiles of Satan. So-called international laws, conventions and treaties that call for universal obedience may be no more than satanic instruments designed and disguised in such a manner that very few may have the wisdom to decode that they are meant to advance the cause of Satan.